Trenary Home Bakery : History Series Introduction

Trenary Home Bakery : History Series Introduction

Trenary Home Bakery was founded in 1928, and has been a big part of Upper Michigan's culture for over 90 years. To honor the history of the bakery and those who love it, we are starting a blog series that will explore the history of the bakery. 

This will series will encompass a wide variety of subjects related to the bakery, including equipment used, recipes, employees, stories from customers, etc.. 

We need you to share your stories, photos, and memories of the bakery with us! Please let us know what you are interested in learning about. All suggestions are appreciated. 

At the end of every month we will randomly select a winner from toast lovers who have submitted stories or photos, and they will win a free Toast Jar! 

Please submit stories, photos, or topic suggestions to 


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  • skACfHWp

    uIrwmoQik on
  • Do you have a printed history leaflet of the Trinary Home Bakery for sale?

    Susan HILL on
  • Is your your toast sold in the lower part of the state,I live in Lapeer mi than you

    Elaine Andison on
  • We lived outside of Trenary near the Mikulich farm and Trenary Toast was a staple for us, always on hand for breakfast or a snack. I loved dipping it in hot tea. Great memories of those simple, wholesome times! I’ve stopped by a few times over the years, but always managed to be there when the bakery was closed. Recently I ordered a bunch of Trenary Toast, rye bread and jams from the bakers since I didn’t know when I’d get there again. I was delighted when the package arrived!

    Kathleen on
  • I had molar extracted and was told to eat soft food. Then i remembered what my mother would make when i wasn’t feeling good:Trenary milk toast. Trenary Toast cooked in warm milk…UP comfort food.

    Pat LELVIS on

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