Trenary Home Bakery : History Series Introduction

Trenary Home Bakery : History Series Introduction

Trenary Home Bakery was founded in 1928, and has been a big part of Upper Michigan's culture for over 90 years. To honor the history of the bakery and those who love it, we are starting a blog series that will explore the history of the bakery. 

This will series will encompass a wide variety of subjects related to the bakery, including equipment used, recipes, employees, stories from customers, etc.. 

We need you to share your stories, photos, and memories of the bakery with us! Please let us know what you are interested in learning about. All suggestions are appreciated. 

At the end of every month we will randomly select a winner from toast lovers who have submitted stories or photos, and they will win a free Toast Jar! 

Please submit stories, photos, or topic suggestions to 


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  • Dunk it in coffee! Yum!

    Lisa Druckenmiller on
  • Both my folks ( Evelyn Latvala and Russell Druckenmiller) both grew up in Trenary and Design. We use to spend summer vacations on the Latvala dairy farm. One of my fondest memories is sitting under the huge weeping willow tree eating peanut butter and Trenary toast with my cousin s and siblings. We always did this after morning milking was finished. I currently live in Rock, so I have easy access to the bakery’s goodies. While we winter in Florida, we have it shipped down here!

    Sharl Druckenmiller on
  • I am another one here who grew up eating Trenary toast, or as we call it: korpu. First in Ishpeming, and then later dad learned he could order by the case and share with all of us grown kids. So of course we introduced to the next generation! I brought a bag to work and shared with coworkers who fell in love with korpu too! You have plenty of fans out here on the East Coast!

    Ann Marie Mones on
  • Love the Trenary Toast it’s. Homr

    Pamela Wells on
  • Love the Trenary Toast it’s. Homr

    Pamela Wells on

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